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Chinese translation for "compound eye"


Related Translations:
eyed:  adj.1.…眼的。2.有孔眼的。3.有眼状花纹的。4.有(某种特点的)眼睛的;有眼状斑纹的。短语和例子blue- eyed 蓝眼睛的。
eye:  n.(pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen )1.眼睛,目。 blind in one eye =lose an eye 一目失明。 compound eyes (昆虫的)复眼。 the naked eye 肉眼。 Where are your eyes 难道你看不见? His eyes are bigger than his belly. 他眼谗肚饱。 What the
Example Sentences:
1.The compound eye of an insect like the housefly is effectively a bound of tapered fiber optical filaments .
2.Of compound eyes made up of thousands of separate eyelets
3.Under this background , fly ' s compound eyes give us a good edification
4.Electrical response of lamina ganglion in vanessa cardui and pieris rapae to light stimulation on compound eye
5.Part ii ultra - structure changes of the compound eyes of miers in different light adaptation . after 12 hours dark adaptation , photoreceptors of miers were stimulated with different wavelength light
6.The result show the ommatida that form the compound eye in penaeus monodon fabriciu were composed of cornea , four cone cells , eight retinular cells and some pigment cells
7.The degree of ultrastructural changes of rhabdom during light and dark adaptation of compound eye had something to do with the intensity and wavelength of environmental light in m . nipponense
8.Aiming at multiple frames video sequences with moving objects , a new image mosaic method imitating compound eyes is presented based on image ' s characteristic . now . some mosaic algorithms are local optimizing
9.Motion - detector of fly ' s compound eyes and determination of velocity of moving image . this paper describes the algorithm of elementary motion - detector and motion - detector arrays , including the characteristic and space conformity
10.The influence of light adaptation on the ultrastructure of the photoreceptor in penaeus monodon fabriciu the form and the fine structure of compound eyes in penaeus monodon fabriciuwere studied by e lectron microscopy
另外,在无脊椎动物的光转导过程中,经研究发现,钙离子可能起着重要的作用, lisman和brown已经提出钙离子是光适应时的胞内信使。
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